The iThrone! Apple’s Revolutionary New Computer Exclusively for Posting on Social Media.

Written by Ethan Matthews.

In a groundbreaking move, Apple has introduced the “iThrone,” a revolutionary computer that doubles as a toilet. No longer will you have to pause your scrolling for a bathroom break—Apple has combined convenience and technology in the most unexpected way. This sleek, white porcelain marvel promises to keep you connected even in your most private moments.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, proudly unveiled the iThrone at a recent keynote. “We’ve always been about innovation and simplicity,” Cook stated. “What’s more innovative than a computer you can sit on while sharing your latest thoughts and selfies?” With a built-in touch screen, Wi-Fi connectivity, and voice-activated features, the iThrone is set to redefine how we interact with our devices—and our plumbing.

Flushing Down the Competition

Apple’s competitors are left reeling from this announcement. Samsung, Google, and Microsoft are scrambling to figure out how to match this level of ingenuity. A spokesperson from Samsung, while trying to keep a straight face, admitted, “We didn’t see this coming. Our engineers are now working on something… similar.”

The iThrone, which also features an ergonomic design to ensure maximum comfort during extended social media sessions, comes with a variety of apps pre-installed. Need to check your email while you relieve yourself? Done. Want to tweet about your breakfast while still digesting it? Easy. Apple’s dedication to seamless integration has reached new heights—or depths, depending on how you see it.

Toilet Humor and Technology Unite

Critics have had a field day with this latest Apple product. Memes and jokes flooded social media, with users both mocking and praising Apple’s bold move. “Finally, a device that truly understands my needs,” tweeted one user, while another commented, “I never knew I needed this, but now I can’t live without it.”

However, not everyone is amused. Some tech analysts are concerned about the iThrone’s potential to distract users from the real world, even in the bathroom. “This could lead to increased screen time and decreased productivity,” warned Dr. Sarah Techstein, a technology addiction expert. “And let’s not forget about hygiene concerns.”

Apple has addressed these worries by including a self-cleaning feature and a hands-free flushing system. The iThrone even has a built-in air freshener to ensure your experience is as pleasant as possible. Yet, one can’t help but wonder if this is a step too far in our dependency on technology.

Our Take

Apple’s iThrone is certainly a testament to how far we’ve come—or perhaps how far we’ve gone astray. While it’s funny and a bit absurd, it also highlights a concerning trend of technology infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Do we really need to be online all the time, even in the bathroom? The iThrone might be a genius blend of convenience and novelty, but it’s also a reminder of our society’s ever-growing screen addiction.