80-Year-Old Dog Walker Cited for Not Curbing Her Dogs After Her Brutal Murder by 8-Time Felon Freed Because he was Black!

Written by Thomas Anderson.

In what could only be described as the most absurd event of the year, local law enforcement in a small urban neighborhood decided that an 80-year-old dog walker, who was brutally murdered by an 8-time felon, deserved one last piece of posthumous justice. No, not for her murder, but for not curbing her dogs. Yes, the town officials took time out of their busy day to issue a citation to a woman who could no longer breathe, let alone pick up after her pets.

The victim, an elderly woman who had been peacefully walking her dogs, met her untimely demise at the hands of a man who, despite a rap sheet longer than a CVS receipt, was allowed to roam free. The reason for his freedom? He was released in the name of “equity” and “justice reform.” Because, you know, the best way to combat systemic inequality is to release dangerous felons into society and hope they’ve magically become model citizens. Spoiler alert: they don’t.

While the community mourned her death, the city officials, in their infinite wisdom, decided to go after the real crime here: her failure to curb her dogs. After all, nothing says justice like a $50 ticket slapped on a corpse. The city, always eager to balance its budget, clearly knew where to draw the line—dog waste, not human life.

Felon-Friendly Policies and the Tragic Outcome

Now, let’s talk about the real hero of this story: the criminal justice system. After all, what better way to showcase the triumph of modern-day reforms than by releasing an 8-time felon because his skin color apparently absolves him of responsibility? Yes, we live in an age where being “woke” has more power than being “right.”

This particular 8-time felon, who had shown an impressive commitment to crime over the years, was released because the justice system wanted to give him another chance. Another chance to do what, you ask? Apparently, to continue his violent ways, culminating in the murder of an innocent dog walker. But don’t worry, he’s black, so any criticism of this monumental failure would obviously be racist.

Our justice system, in a bid to prove how progressive it can be, overlooked a mountain of criminal evidence in favor of social justice. Because nothing says “progress” like prioritizing criminals over citizens. Sure, the woman is dead, but hey, at least the felon got his second, third, fourth… actually, what number chance are we on now?

City Officials: Heroes of the Week for Their Priorities

Let’s give credit where credit’s due. The city officials really know how to prioritize. While the streets run red with the blood of innocent victims, they focus on the important stuff—like making sure dog waste doesn’t dirty the sidewalks. Who needs to crack down on violent crime when there’s dog poop to ticket?

Perhaps they’ll make the headlines again next week when they finally solve the problem of littering by issuing fines to the deceased. Or maybe they’ll go after jaywalking ghosts. Either way, it’s clear that their sense of justice is as misguided as ever. And who knows? Maybe they’ll release the felon again for another round of crime. After all, they wouldn’t want to be accused of being too harsh on repeat offenders.

For now, the city can rest easy knowing that the real menace—the failure to pick up after one’s dogs—has been dealt with. And the 8-time felon? Well, he’s probably already planning his next “equitable” adventure.

Our Take

In a world where felons are freed for equity and the dead are cited for dog-walking infractions, we’ve officially lost the plot. The priorities of our justice system have been skewed to the point of absurdity, and it’s the innocent who pay the price. Maybe one day, we’ll wake up and realize that justice should be blind, not brain-dead.