9/11 Mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Freed! Killed 3,000! Asks Biden to Have Book Thrown at J6 Peaceful Protesters!

Written by Matthew Johnson.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, has been released from Guantanamo Bay. Where did he head first? Why, the White House, of course! Apparently, the ultimate act of irony is now a state-sponsored event.

The Biden administration, in its infinite wisdom, decided that the best way to handle Mohammed’s newfound freedom was to invite him to Washington, D.C. Forget the cries of outrage from the families of 9/11 victims—nothing says “healing the nation” quite like rolling out the red carpet for a terrorist. After all, if you can’t beat them, invite them over for tea.

While the world watched in disbelief, Mohammed strutted through the halls of power, a free man among the very people he once sought to destroy. It’s a scene so absurd it could only happen in today’s political landscape. What’s next? Osama bin Laden’s hologram giving a TED Talk on conflict resolution?

A Book Launch Unlike Any Other: Justice, American Style

But wait, there’s more! In a bizarre twist of justice, Mohammed’s visit wasn’t just for show. No, he was there to participate in a very special book launch. And by book launch, we mean literally having books thrown at the January 6th protesters. Yes, you read that right. The same administration that freed a terrorist thought it would be poetic justice to use him as a symbol of retribution against those who stormed the Capitol.

Picture this: a former terrorist, armed with hardcover copies of “The Constitution for Dummies,” pelting J6 protesters under the approving gaze of the nation’s leaders. If this doesn’t scream “justice,” I don’t know what does. The irony is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

The protesters, already facing legal battles and public scorn, now have to endure the ultimate indignity of being symbolically punished by one of the world’s most notorious criminals. It’s like a dark comedy where the punchline is democracy itself.

The Public Reaction: Shock, Awe, and Unbelievable Confusion

As news of this surreal event spread, the public reaction was a mix of shock, awe, and utter confusion. Social media exploded with hashtags ranging from #FreeKSM to #J6BookBash. Memes and GIFs of Mohammed wielding books like weapons flooded the internet, turning a serious national issue into the latest viral sensation.

Political pundits had a field day, with conservative commentators decrying the move as the ultimate betrayal of American values. “First, they invite him over, and now they’re letting him play judge and jury?” exclaimed one Fox News anchor. Meanwhile, liberal voices struggled to justify the administration’s bizarre decision, offering up a range of excuses that fell flat in the face of such blatant absurdity.

Even international observers couldn’t help but chime in, with headlines from London to Tokyo mocking the United States’ handling of both Mohammed and the J6 protesters. It’s not every day you see a global superpower turn its justice system into a punchline, but here we are.

Our Take

This entire episode is a textbook case of why irony should never be left in the hands of politicians. Releasing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and then using him as a prop to punish J6 protesters is beyond misguided—it’s a slap in the face to every American who values justice and common sense.

By turning a terrorist into a symbol of retribution, the administration has managed to trivialize both the pain of 9/11 and the seriousness of the January 6th attack. It’s a move that undermines the very principles our nation was founded upon. Instead of promoting unity or justice, it has only deepened the divisions and added fuel to the fire of political discord.

In a sane world, this wouldn’t even be a consideration, let alone a reality. But in the current climate, where absurdity reigns supreme, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. Disappointed? Absolutely. Outraged? Without a doubt. But surprised? Not anymore. This is just the latest chapter in the increasingly surreal saga of modern American politics.