Former Miss South Carolina to Head Kamala Harris’s Speech Writing Team. (Video)

Written by Abigail Johnson.

In a move that has left political pundits and late-night comedians in stitches, former Miss South Carolina, famous for her legendary inability to form coherent sentences, has been appointed to lead Vice President Kamala Harris’s speechwriting team. Yes, the woman who once turned “U.S. Americans” into a viral sensation will now be responsible for crafting the words that come out of the mouth of the second-most powerful person in the United States.

One can only imagine the conversations that led to this brilliant decision. Perhaps someone in the Harris camp thought that incoherent speech might actually help the VP’s approval ratings. After all, if the public can’t understand what she’s saying, maybe they’ll stop criticizing her for it. It’s a strategy so bold, so outrageous, that it might just work—or it could crash and burn spectacularly. Either way, it’s sure to be entertaining.

A Match Made in Coherency Heaven

For those unfamiliar with Miss South Carolina’s infamous 2007 pageant performance, let’s just say it was a masterclass in word salad. When asked about education in the United States, she delivered a rambling, nonsensical response that made everyone question if geography had suddenly become rocket science. Now, fast forward to 2024, and this beauty queen is back, not on the runway, but in the political arena, poised to deliver speeches that will leave us all scratching our heads.

Kamala Harris herself is no stranger to confusing statements. From her “word salads” to her notorious cackling, she’s managed to create a unique brand of public speaking. So, it’s only fitting that she would team up with someone who could take her speeches to new, even more perplexing heights. Who needs clear communication when you can have speeches that sound like a mix of a thesaurus gone rogue and a Google Translate mishap?

The Art of Word Salad: A New Political Strategy?

It’s hard to tell if this is a calculated move or just another example of the sheer absurdity that is modern politics. Perhaps the Harris team believes that by embracing the chaos, they can throw off their critics and distract from any actual policy discussions. After all, if no one can decipher what you’re saying, how can they disagree with it? It’s a brilliant plan if your goal is to avoid accountability entirely.

Of course, the real losers here are the American people, who will now have to endure even more confusing and disjointed speeches. But hey, at least we’ll get some good laughs out of it. And in today’s political climate, maybe that’s all we can hope for.

Our Take

In what can only be described as a hilarious twist of fate, Kamala Harris has found the perfect speechwriting partner in Miss South Carolina. Together, they may very well redefine the concept of political communication by turning it into a baffling spectacle of disjointed thoughts and nonsensical phrases. It’s a match that highlights the ongoing trend of style over substance in politics—a trend that leaves the public more confused than informed. While it may provide endless entertainment, it also underscores the growing disconnect between politicians and the people they serve. If this is the direction we’re heading, we might as well buckle up for a wild, bewildering ride.