Putin Hires Communist, Kamala Harris!

Written by Jacob Whitaker.

Kamala Harris has accepted a new job—working for none other than Vladimir Putin himself. That’s right, folks. The former Vice President of the United States, the woman who was just a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, has apparently decided that communism isn’t just for the history books. Now, she’s diving headfirst into the heart of Russia’s rebranded Soviet dream.

This unexpected career shift has sent shockwaves through Washington, with some speculating that Kamala’s new role might be her way of finally finding a job she’s actually interested in. After all, presiding over Senate tie-breakers and awkwardly giggling through press conferences might not have been the “change” she was hoping for. Perhaps in Putin’s regime, she’ll find the kind of authoritarian control she’s been secretly craving—a place where “equity” isn’t just a buzzword, but a government-mandated lifestyle.

As news of Harris’s latest gig broke, the Kremlin released an official statement welcoming her aboard, touting her as the perfect fit for their latest “People’s Initiative.” According to sources, her responsibilities will include spearheading new policies to ensure every Russian citizen has equal access to government-approved opinions, as well as overseeing the rollout of a nationwide potato-farming mandate—because nothing says “progress” like a return to subsistence agriculture.

Kamala’s Journey: From Woke Politics to Russian Realpolitik

Kamala’s transformation from California’s top prosecutor to Putin’s right-hand woman is nothing short of remarkable. Just a few years ago, she was championing progressive causes like defunding the police, expanding government control over healthcare, and advocating for climate change initiatives that would make Al Gore blush. Now, she’s swapping her woke rhetoric for a more traditional form of governance—one where dissent isn’t just frowned upon; it’s swiftly silenced.

Critics of the Biden administration have long joked that Kamala Harris was “just a little too comfortable” with the idea of centralized power. But even they couldn’t have predicted that she’d go from cozying up to Silicon Valley elites to rubbing shoulders with Russian oligarchs. Yet here we are, watching as Kamala trades in her tailored pantsuits for a drab olive-green uniform, complete with the requisite hammer and sickle lapel pin.

Of course, this isn’t the first time an American politician has found themselves enamored with Russia’s unique brand of governance. But it’s certainly the most high-profile defection since the Cold War. The irony, of course, is that Kamala spent much of her time as Vice President warning Americans about the dangers of Russian interference—only to turn around and join the very regime she once claimed to fear.

What’s Next? Kamala’s Vision for a New Red Dawn

So what does Kamala Harris’s future look like under Putin’s wing? According to inside sources, she’s already hard at work crafting a five-year plan that would make any Soviet-era bureaucrat proud. This plan, reportedly titled “The People’s Prosperity Program,” aims to bring about a new era of equality—by ensuring that everyone is equally miserable.

One of her first orders of business will be to implement a nationwide redistribution of wealth, starting with the oligarchs. In a shocking twist, Kamala has proposed seizing the assets of Russia’s wealthiest citizens and redistributing them to the poor. However, given that the oligarchs are the ones keeping Putin in power, this move has left some wondering if Kamala might be biting the hand that feeds her. But hey, in the world of communism, logic often takes a backseat to ideology.

Kamala’s influence is also expected to extend beyond Russia’s borders. In a recent interview, she expressed her desire to “export the benefits of collectivism” to the rest of the world. While she didn’t provide specifics, it’s widely believed that her plan involves using Russia’s state-controlled media to spread the gospel of communism to unsuspecting democracies everywhere. Who knew that the former Vice President had such grand ambitions?

Our Take

Kamala Harris’s decision to join Vladimir Putin’s regime is a stark reminder that political ideologies can be as unpredictable as the politicians who champion them. On one hand, this could be seen as a fitting career move for a woman who has always seemed more comfortable wielding power than understanding the nuances of governance. On the other hand, it’s a chilling indication of how far the pursuit of power can take someone—across oceans, borders, and, apparently, political systems.

But let’s be honest—this isn’t just bad for America. It’s bad for the world. When a former Vice President of the United States defects to a regime known for its authoritarianism, it sends a message that democratic values are up for grabs. Kamala’s willingness to align herself with a government that crushes dissent, stifles free speech, and manipulates its citizens should be a wake-up call to anyone who still believes that power can be wielded responsibly.

In the end, Kamala’s new role is less about her and more about the dangerous precedent it sets. If the leaders of the free world are willing to abandon their principles for a taste of absolute power, what hope is there for the rest of us? We can only hope that this “experiment” ends as quickly as it began, before Kamala’s vision of a new Red Dawn becomes a reality.