Woman Who Hasn’t Worked in 20 Years Lecture Country on the Value of Hard Work.

Written by Joshua Matthews.

In what can only be described as peak irony, Michelle Obama, the former First Lady, has taken it upon herself to lecture the country on the value of hard work. Yes, you read that correctly. Michelle, who hasn’t held a traditional job in the past two decades, seems to believe she’s the perfect candidate to tell the rest of us how to grind our way to success. It’s almost like a retired basketball player giving tips on marathon running. Sure, they were active once, but are they really in the position to tell you how to do it now?

Mrs. Obama, of course, is well-known for her work promoting healthy eating and exercise, which is all well and good. But it’s the leap from salad bars to sermons on labor that leaves many scratching their heads. When was the last time Michelle punched a time clock? Or had to decide between paying the electric bill and buying groceries? The former First Lady’s most strenuous activity seems to be picking out which designer gown to wear at the next gala, yet here she is, offering advice on how to “hustle.”

Privilege and Preaching: A Perfect Combo

Perhaps the most amusing part of Michelle Obama’s recent rhetoric is the complete disconnect from reality. It’s like a billionaire advising you to just “invest wisely” to get rich. The speeches are filled with grand ideals about perseverance, determination, and, of course, hard work—none of which she’s had to employ herself in any meaningful way since her husband took office. While millions of Americans struggle with job security, inflation, and the rising cost of living, Michelle’s biggest concern is probably whether or not the chef got her favorite smoothie recipe right.

One can’t help but notice the irony here. Michelle Obama, whose last real job was before iPhones even existed, feels perfectly comfortable telling you how to succeed in today’s world. It’s as if she’s forgotten that the average American doesn’t have a personal assistant to handle the trivialities of life. But hey, who better to offer advice on perseverance than someone who’s never really had to persevere in the traditional sense?

Michelle’s Magical Career Advice

In her latest book tour and public appearances, Michelle Obama has been doubling down on her hard work message. She’s been encouraging young people to “never give up,” which, coming from someone who’s had every door opened for her, sounds about as genuine as a politician’s promise during an election year. “You can achieve anything you set your mind to,” she says, ignoring the fact that most people don’t have the luxury of setting their minds to anything other than survival.

Michelle’s message is undoubtedly inspiring—if you live in a world where your husband becoming President is a viable career strategy. But for the rest of us mere mortals, her advice rings hollow. Maybe next time, she can give us tips on how to manage our gold-plated retirement funds. Oh wait, most of us don’t have those.

Our Take

Michelle Obama’s recent lectures on hard work are a prime example of how out of touch the elite can be with everyday Americans. It’s one thing to promote healthy living or encourage kids to stay in school, but lecturing a struggling nation on hard work when you haven’t had to do any yourself in decades? That’s a whole new level of tone-deafness. Her words, while perhaps well-intentioned, are ultimately just more noise from someone who’s forgotten what real life is like for the rest of us. America deserves better role models—ones who actually understand the value of hard work because they’ve lived it.