Police Saw Trump Shooter Well Before Attack! Ordered to Take Donut Break to Avoid Overtime Pay. Cite Budget Concerns.

Written by Jonathan Green.

In a revelation that’s as absurd as it is laughable, law enforcement officials admitted they spotted the alleged Trump shooter, Thomas Crooks, a full 30 minutes before his attack but decided to, wait for it, take a break. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, avoiding overtime pay was more pressing than preventing a potential assassination attempt.

Channel 11 news in Pittsburgh broke the story, reporting that Beaver County’s ESU team, which included snipers and spotters, noticed Crooks hanging out on a roof near the rally around 5:45 p.m. One vigilant team member even took a picture and called it in. But instead of, you know, doing their job, the powers that be decided it was time for a coffee break. After all, why risk paying a few extra bucks when the former president’s life is on the line?

Nicole Ford of Channel 11 reported, “Beaver County’s ESU team had eight members at the rally, including snipers and spotters. One of them noticed a suspicious man on a roof near the rally at 5:45 p.m., called it in, and took a picture of the person.” Despite this, the brilliant decision was made to secure the building from the inside, leaving the rooftop a perfect spot for a shooter.

The Comically Inept Timeline

The timeline of this debacle reads like a script from a bad comedy. Law enforcement had previously seen Crooks wandering around on the ground, looking shady, and even called him in with a photo. But when an officer checked the grounds, Crooks had vanished. So, naturally, they decided to take a break.

Just 26 minutes after the second picture of Crooks was taken, he began firing from the roof of the American Glass Research building. A Secret Service sniper quickly returned fire and killed him. This timeline suggests a colossal lack of urgency, all because someone didn’t want to stay late and miss their favorite TV show.

Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., is demanding answers from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In his letter, Green expressed serious concerns about how a shooter could access a rooftop within range and direct line of sight of where President Trump was speaking. “This raises serious concerns regarding how a shooter was able to access a rooftop within range and direct line of sight of where President Trump was speaking,” Green stated, presumably while slapping his forehead in disbelief.

The Quest for Accountability

The public is understandably outraged, and who can blame them? This isn’t just a security failure; it’s a comedic farce. Green’s letter to Mayorkas also pointed out additional absurdities. Reports suggest that the Department of Homeland Security rebuffed multiple requests from Trump’s security detail to beef up protection in the weeks leading up to the rally.

“Some reports suggest that the Department of Homeland Security ‘rebuffed’ multiple requests from President Trump’s security detail to increase protective resources in the weeks preceding this event,” Green added, likely while shaking his head in bewilderment. He demands detailed information from DHS by this Friday to address these jaw-dropping concerns.

This incident underscores a glaring need for a thorough investigation into the security lapses that let this happen. The American public deserves answers, reassurances, and probably a good laugh at the incompetence displayed. The upcoming investigation will be crucial in figuring out what went wrong and ensuring such a farcical scenario doesn’t repeat.

Our Take

The sheer absurdity of this situation is beyond words. Law enforcement spotted a clear threat to a former president but decided a coffee break was more important. This isn’t just negligence; it’s a tragicomedy. How the need to avoid overtime pay could trump the duty to protect is mind-boggling.

This incident shines a light on a deeper issue within our security protocols. If we can’t trust our law enforcement to act on clear threats, what can we trust them with? The American people deserve transparency, accountability, and perhaps a comedy sketch based on this unbelievable fiasco.