Gay Green Lantern Vandalizes Tesla Cybertruck! People Vomiting in Streets! (Video)

Written by Benjamin Clarke.

The Gay Green Lantern has struck again. This time, the target was none other than the revered Tesla Cybertruck. In a move that’s being hailed as either a bold statement or a grand vandalistic gesture, everything on the Cybertruck was turned a horrid shade of green.

Witnesses at the scene described a surreal sight. One moment, the futuristic truck was parked peacefully. The next, a flash of emerald light engulfed it, leaving it looking like the Hulk’s less appealing cousin. “It’s like he took eco-friendly to a new, toxic level,” one bystander quipped.

Elon Musk, ever the showman, took to Twitter immediately. “Well, at least it’s not just any green; it’s a horrid green,” he tweeted. The irony wasn’t lost on anyone: a man known for his love of all things electric having his prized electric vehicle defaced by a superhero synonymous with a glowing green ring.

The Green Menace Strikes Again

The Gay Green Lantern, known for his flamboyant style and eco-warrior ethos, has always walked a fine line between heroism and havoc. This latest stunt has people divided. Some see it as a daring act of protest against Elon Musk’s questionable environmental practices, while others view it as pure hooliganism.

“It’s not like he’s saving the world; he’s just making it greener in the worst way possible,” said one critic. It’s hard to argue when the once-sleek Cybertruck now resembles a giant, mobile lime popsicle.

However, supporters of the Green Lantern argue that his actions highlight a crucial point. “Elon Musk talks big about saving the planet, but where’s the real action?” asked a fervent fan. “At least the Green Lantern is putting his powers where his mouth is, even if it’s a bit… unorthodox.”

Tesla’s Response: Laughter or Litigation?

Tesla’s response has been predictably unpredictable. The company is known for its innovation and occasional legal battles. Lawyers are reportedly drafting a lawsuit, but in the meantime, Musk has hinted at turning the incident into a marketing opportunity. “Maybe it’s time for a green Cybertruck,” he mused in a press conference, the crowd erupting in laughter.

Meanwhile, the internet has exploded with memes, turning the incident into a viral sensation. One popular image features the Cybertruck with the caption, “When you go green, but not by choice.” The Gay Green Lantern himself has remained silent, letting his actions speak louder than words.

For now, the world watches, wondering what shade of green the next Cybertruck will be. One thing is certain: the Gay Green Lantern has managed to turn heads and spark conversations, even if it’s through a questionable shade of vandalism.

Our Take

While the Gay Green Lantern’s stunt is undeniably amusing, it underscores a bigger issue. Environmental activism shouldn’t involve defacing private property. Instead of creating dialogue, such acts risk trivializing important causes. We should aim for change through constructive means, not through turning vehicles into garish green monstrosities.