Man Trains for London Vacation! (Video)

Written by Richard Belmont.

In a world where vacation prep usually involves buying sunscreen and packing bags, one man has taken things to a whole new, bizarre level. Meet Steve Thompson, the man who’s preparing for his upcoming London vacation by training with a sword at his local gym. Yes, you read that right—a sword.

Steve, an average American with an above-average love for British history, has decided that walking around London requires the finesse of a medieval knight. “I’m just trying to blend in with the locals,” he declared, brandishing his gleaming weapon during his daily workout. The gym-goers were both amused and bewildered, giving Steve a wide berth as he swung his sword through the air like a Renaissance fair enthusiast.

It seems Steve believes that the only way to truly appreciate the Tower of London is by channeling the spirit of its historic defenders. Forget guided tours; Steve’s approach involves lunges, parries, and the occasional dramatic flourish, much to the delight—or horror—of his fellow fitness buffs. One can only imagine the TSA’s reaction when Steve tries to board his flight with his “essential” travel gear.

The Gym: A New Battleground

While most people hit the gym to shed a few pounds or build muscle, Steve’s routine has taken on an almost theatrical quality. His gym sessions are more Shakespearean drama than CrossFit, with his trusty sword as the star. Regulars at the gym have grown accustomed to the sight of Steve, clad in his faux-chainmail workout gear, slashing through imaginary foes between sets of bench presses.

The gym’s management has expressed a mix of concern and bemusement. “We support all fitness journeys,” said the gym manager, trying to suppress a smile, “but we do prefer if they don’t involve medieval weaponry.” Steve, however, remains undeterred, insisting that his unique regimen is essential for his upcoming trip. “How else am I supposed to fend off any rogue knights or dragons?” he joked, though it was hard to tell if he was entirely serious.

Steve’s unconventional approach has even garnered a small following. A handful of gym members have started to join his sword-wielding sessions, transforming the once mundane gym into a scene straight out of Camelot. Who needs Pilates when you can have dueling practice? It’s safe to say Steve has made his mark—quite literally—on the gym’s padded floors.

London Awaits: The Final Countdown

As Steve’s departure date looms, his excitement—and eccentricity—seem to be reaching new heights. He’s been spotted practicing his British accent, much to the amusement of his neighbors. “It’s all about authenticity,” he insists, adjusting his imaginary monocle. One can only wonder what the unsuspecting Londoners will think when Steve, sword in hand, strides down the streets of the capital.

His wife, understandably, has mixed feelings about this whole escapade. “I just hope he doesn’t end up in the Tower for real,” she sighed, half-joking. Friends and family have started a betting pool on how long it will take before Steve gets politely asked to leave a historic site. Despite their teasing, there’s a certain admiration for his commitment. After all, how many people can say they’ve trained for a vacation like it’s an Olympic sport?

London is about to receive a visitor like no other. Steve’s enthusiasm is infectious, and his dedication to his cause—however absurd—speaks volumes about his character. Whether he’s mistaken for a rogue reenactor or hailed as the next Sir Lancelot, one thing is certain: Steve’s London adventure will be anything but ordinary.

Our Take

Alright, let’s break this down. Steve’s commitment to training with a sword for his London vacation is a masterclass in over-preparation and sheer eccentricity. While it’s easy to laugh at the absurdity, there’s a deeper issue at play here. Encouraging this level of escapism and fantasy could have its downsides.

Imagine if everyone started training for vacations with such zeal—airports would become jousting arenas, and historical landmarks would double as impromptu battlefields. We love a good laugh, but perhaps it’s time to draw the line at medieval weaponry in public spaces. There’s something to be said for moderation and respecting the norms of the places we visit.

In the end, Steve’s story is a hilarious reminder that sometimes, the best way to prepare for an adventure is to just go with the flow and maybe leave the sword at home.