Trump Refuses to Shake Trudeau’s Hand. “There was a National Scandal the Last Time I Grabbed a Pussy.”

Written by Christopher Lightfoot.

Former President Donald Trump decided to forgo shaking Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s hand during their recent meeting. The move, which experts are calling “the diplomatic equivalent of stepping on a rake,” seems to have been fueled by a rather peculiar reasoning: Trump reportedly quipped that he couldn’t risk a repeat of the “national scandal” that ensued last time he “grabbed a pussy.” One can only imagine the flurry of astonished eyebrows raised at that table—if the air was thick with tension, it was probably because of the awkwardness.

Trump’s decision was, of course, neither random nor haphazard. After all, why engage in the simple courtesy of a handshake when you can turn it into a headline-grabbing spectacle? It appears that the former president’s grasp on diplomatic niceties is as firm as ever, but not quite as firm as his aversion to physical contact under scandalous circumstances. Trudeau, ever the stoic leader, reportedly raised an eyebrow, but his composure remained intact as he navigated this latest twist in international relations.

The Handshake That Never Was

Reports from the scene suggest that Trudeau’s attempt to extend his hand was met with Trump’s most polite of evasions—perhaps a slight nod or a subtle wave. It’s a classic Trump maneuver: always make an entrance, or in this case, an exit, that will make headlines. The handshake snub was not only a gesture of personal preference but also a rather public declaration of his commitment to avoid further scandal. One must wonder, though, if this decision wasn’t more about Trump’s personal brand than it was about any actual diplomatic protocol.

Meanwhile, Trudeau’s reaction has been characterized as “graceful” and “typical” of a seasoned diplomat. Perhaps he’s secretly relieved to avoid the awkwardness of a handshake that might be dissected in the annals of political scandals. After all, when you’re dealing with Trump, it’s probably safer to keep your hands to yourself and your expectations low.

The Political Circus Continues

The international community is left to ponder: is this refusal to shake hands a harbinger of a new era of diplomacy or simply another episode in the ongoing Trump reality show? One might argue that the gesture—or lack thereof—speaks volumes about how Trump continues to turn even the most mundane interactions into a spectacle. Whether this is a strategic move or just another instance of Trump being Trump remains to be seen, but it certainly adds a new layer of intrigue to what would otherwise be a routine diplomatic engagement.

As for the public reaction, it’s a mix of bewilderment and amusement. Some are questioning whether this handshaking fiasco is indicative of a larger trend in how political figures interact. Others are simply enjoying the show, because when it comes to Trump, it seems that the spectacle is often the point. This latest development is likely to become just another entry in the long list of memorable Trump moments that keep the media buzzing.

Our Take

Is this really what international diplomacy has come to—a series of personal vendettas and scandalous quips? It’s hard to say whether this handshaking debacle is an isolated incident or part of a broader trend towards increasingly bizarre political interactions. What is clear is that the public is left to navigate yet another layer of Trump’s political theatre, which often seems more concerned with drama than with effective governance.

It’s almost endearing how Trump manages to turn every interaction into a grand performance. Unfortunately, this also means that serious issues can get overshadowed by the spectacle. As much as we may enjoy the occasional political drama, one can’t help but wonder if we’d be better off with a little less theatrics and a little more substance in our international relations.