Netflix Launches Documentary About Greta Thunberg

Written by Jonathan Miles.

In what can only be described as a groundbreaking attempt to redefine history, Netflix has launched a new documentary about climate activist Greta Thunberg, portraying her as a Black woman. Yes, Netflix, the same platform that brought us such “classics” as Tiger King and Cuties, has now decided that historical accuracy is less important than, well, being “woke.”

The documentary, titled “Greta: A Climate Warrior’s Journey,” follows the young activist’s rise to fame, but with one tiny alteration—she’s no longer the pale, Swedish teenager the world has come to know. Instead, she’s been reimagined as a Black woman from Harlem. Netflix claims this creative choice is meant to “broaden the narrative” and “reach a wider audience.” Because, clearly, the story of a teenage girl who skips school to lecture world leaders wasn’t compelling enough on its own.

One might wonder how Greta herself feels about this sudden change in her ethnicity. Unfortunately, the film doesn’t bother to explore that. After all, who needs the real Greta when we can have the Netflix-approved version?

A New Era of Storytelling: Facts Be Damned

The film’s director, a self-proclaimed visionary who previously worked on animated shorts for kids’ channels, defends the choice as “a necessary evolution in storytelling.” According to him, the change was meant to “enhance Greta’s relatability” and “bring attention to the universal nature of her message.” Because nothing says “universal” quite like completely altering someone’s racial identity.

Critics, however, aren’t buying it. Many have pointed out the obvious irony in trying to make a documentary “more authentic” by, well, making it less authentic. But in the age of Netflix, who cares about trivial things like facts? What matters is that the film is “inclusive” and “diverse”—words that apparently justify any creative liberty, no matter how absurd.

The documentary goes on to explore Greta’s “roots” in Harlem, where she supposedly grew up before moving to Sweden. Viewers are treated to scenes of young Greta playing in the streets of New York, participating in jazz clubs, and delivering impassioned speeches about climate change to local community boards. It’s a narrative so detached from reality that it’s almost impressive.

The Real Greta’s Take? Netflix Doesn’t Care

Surprisingly, Greta Thunberg herself has remained silent on this bizarre portrayal. Whether she’s too shocked to respond or simply too busy with her actual climate activism is anyone’s guess. But Netflix doesn’t seem too concerned about getting her input. Why bother with the real Greta when their version is so much more “marketable”?

In an era where streaming platforms are competing to out-woke each other, it’s clear that accuracy has taken a backseat to agenda-driven content. The documentary’s producers have even hinted at future projects that will continue this trend of “reimagining” historical figures. Rumor has it that their next project will portray Winston Churchill as a Latina woman from East LA—because why not?

Our Take

In an age where truth is increasingly becoming a casualty of entertainment, Netflix’s latest move to “reimagine” Greta Thunberg as a Black woman sets a troubling precedent. When facts are twisted for the sake of so-called inclusivity, we lose touch with reality, and history becomes nothing more than a playground for political agendas. This isn’t just bad entertainment; it’s a disservice to both the real Greta Thunberg and the audiences who look to documentaries for truthful storytelling.

Netflix’s attempt to rewrite Greta’s story is not only ridiculous but also dangerous. By prioritizing “wokeness” over truth, we risk creating a world where facts are meaningless and anyone’s story can be hijacked to fit a particular narrative. It’s a slippery slope that leads to a future where history is rewritten at the whim of whoever holds the camera, and that’s something we should all be concerned about.