Greta Thunberg Pissed that Hunter Biden Using Plastic Straw to Snort Coke Instead of Paper One!

Written by Matthew Connor.

Greta Thunberg, the climate crusader who once scolded world leaders with the unforgettable “How dare you,” has found herself embroiled in a new controversy. This time, it’s not carbon emissions, deforestation, or melting ice caps that have her fuming. No, the latest crime against the planet comes courtesy of Hunter Biden, who, in a shocking display of environmental apathy, reportedly used a plastic straw to snort his white powder of choice instead of an eco-friendly paper one.

Apparently, the son of President Joe Biden didn’t get the memo that plastic straws are public enemy number one in the eyes of eco-warriors like Thunberg. One can almost hear her now, giving him the verbal lashing of a lifetime, perhaps something along the lines of, “How dare you use a plastic straw for that!” As if snorting cocaine wasn’t bad enough, doing so while disrespecting Mother Earth’s health? Unforgivable! For a man who could easily afford to snort his substances off a solar panel, this transgression is beyond the pale.

Yet, while Thunberg seethes, one can’t help but notice the irony here. Hunter’s straw usage is just the latest in a series of questionable decisions. But leave it to the young climate activist to zero in on the environmental impact of his method rather than, say, the fact that he’s openly using a drug that has its own devastating global footprint. You have to admire her dedication to the cause—no scandal too small when it comes to saving the planet, one plastic straw at a time.

A New Low for Climate Advocacy?

Now, one would think that with glaciers melting, wildfires raging, and cities drowning, Thunberg would have bigger fish to fry. But no, the battle against plastic straws must march on, even when it intersects with the more unsavory aspects of celebrity life. And Hunter Biden, with his apparent addiction to both illegal substances and plastic, has become the unlikely poster child for what’s wrong with modern society.

According to sources close to the climate activist, Thunberg was “visibly shaken” when she heard about Biden’s choice of straw. And who can blame her? If the son of the U.S. president can’t be bothered to uphold the principles of environmental sustainability while indulging in his extracurricular activities, what hope is there for the rest of us? The fight against plastic pollution has clearly reached a new level of absurdity, where even the world’s elite can’t be trusted to make eco-conscious decisions during their private moments.

Thunberg’s reaction might strike some as a tad over the top, but let’s face it—this is the world we live in now. Where once we were content to fight for clean air and water, now we must also campaign for biodegradable drug paraphernalia. If only Hunter had taken a cue from the environmentalists and opted for a bamboo or stainless steel straw, this entire scandal could have been avoided. Alas, his disregard for the planet has provided Thunberg with yet another opportunity to lecture the world on its failings.

Hunter’s “Green” Alternatives

Given Hunter Biden’s track record, it’s safe to assume that environmental responsibility isn’t at the top of his priority list. But maybe, just maybe, this plastic straw scandal will be the wake-up call he needs to rethink his choices—not just in terms of his drug use but also in how he contributes to the planet’s well-being. Imagine the headlines: “Hunter Biden Goes Green—Switches to Eco-Friendly Straws for All Future Drug Use.” It’s the kind of positive PR that both he and his father’s administration could desperately use right about now.

Of course, Greta Thunberg isn’t one to let such an opportunity slip by. Rumor has it she’s already drafted a strongly worded tweet condemning Hunter’s environmental faux pas, complete with hashtags like #BanPlastic and #EcoFriendlySnorting. One can only hope that Biden will heed her advice and make the switch to a more sustainable snorting experience. After all, if we’re going to save the planet, we need everyone on board—even the ones with a penchant for self-destruction.

But let’s not kid ourselves. Hunter’s choice of straw is the least of his worries, and Thunberg’s outrage, while amusing, might be better directed elsewhere. The world faces real and pressing environmental challenges, and while the fight against plastic pollution is important, focusing on Hunter’s drug paraphernalia feels a bit like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Still, in today’s society, where every micro-aggression against the planet must be called out, it seems nothing is too trivial to escape the ire of the eco-conscious elite.

Our Take

Greta Thunberg’s fury over Hunter Biden’s plastic straw usage is both comical and telling of our times. While the world burns—literally—our focus has shifted to the minutiae of environmental correctness. It’s a sad commentary on the state of modern activism that a plastic straw can spark such outrage, while the larger issues go unaddressed. The public deserves better than this kind of performative outrage, and it’s high time we refocus our efforts on the real challenges facing the planet.