Disgusting! Indian Woman Pretending to be Black Washes Collard Greens in the Tub!

Written by Daniel Michaelson.

In a move that can only be described as peak cultural appropriation, Vice President Kamala Harris has found herself in hot water—or perhaps a bathtub full of collard greens. What was intended to be a gesture of solidarity with the African American community has turned into a recipe for disaster. Harris, who has often been accused of playing identity politics, has apparently decided to up the ante by washing collard greens in her bathtub, an act she believed would resonate with Southern Black culture.

Of course, there’s irony here that even a seasoned comedian would envy. Harris, who has been criticized for her fluctuating identity narrative (Is she Indian? Is she Black? Is she everything to everyone?), thought it wise to literally scrub down collard greens in a vessel typically reserved for bubble baths. Social media erupted in disbelief, with one user tweeting, “First, she washed away her Indian roots, now she’s washing collard greens? What’s next, Kamala? A tub of fried chicken?”

The most jaw-dropping part of this saga isn’t just the act itself but the fact that Harris thought this would earn her points with the Black community. Instead, it has only fueled the growing skepticism around her authenticity. It seems that instead of seasoning her collard greens, Harris is seasoning her public persona—badly.

Kamala’s Cultural Missteps: A Recipe for Disaster?

This isn’t the first time Kamala Harris has tried to play chef with cultural identity. In the past, she has awkwardly attempted to dance to hip-hop, used phrases like “we did it, Joe!” in an effort to appear relatable, and even boasted about her love for Tupac. But nothing quite compares to this latest culinary catastrophe.

The Vice President’s team tried to defend her, claiming that washing collard greens in a bathtub is a “misunderstood” tradition that highlights her connection to Southern roots. But critics aren’t buying it. After all, the only roots Kamala seems to have are those that sprouted in front of a camera lens. As one commentator put it, “If Kamala Harris is Southern, then I’m the Queen of England.”

The irony here is that Harris’s attempt at cultural relevance has only made her more irrelevant. Instead of showing solidarity, she’s shown how out of touch she really is. If anything, this spectacle has confirmed what many have suspected all along—that Harris’s identity is as fluid as the bathwater she used to wash those greens.

Social Media Reactions: A Mixed Bag of Laughter and Outrage

If Harris was hoping for a viral moment, she certainly got one—just not the kind she wanted. Social media lit up with reactions ranging from disbelief to outright mockery. Memes flooded Twitter, with some comparing Harris to Aunt Jemima, while others posted photoshopped images of her in various kitchen disasters. One particularly viral tweet showed Harris attempting to make grits, with the caption, “Kamala’s kitchen—where authenticity goes to die.”

However, the backlash wasn’t just limited to jokes. Many African Americans took offense to what they saw as a tone-deaf attempt at cultural connection. “This is beyond insulting,” one user wrote. “Kamala’s trying too hard to fit in, and it shows. Just be yourself—whoever that is.” Others echoed the sentiment, suggesting that Harris should focus less on pandering and more on policy.

It seems that Kamala Harris has once again managed to alienate the very community she’s trying to court. In her quest for relatability, she’s only succeeded in making herself more of a caricature. The lesson here? Perhaps it’s best to leave the cultural symbolism out of the kitchen—or the bathtub, for that matter.

Our Take

Kamala Harris’s collard green fiasco is yet another example of why politicians should stick to what they know—whatever that is. This ill-advised stunt not only fails to connect but also reinforces the perception that Harris is more interested in playing a role than being genuine. Washing greens in a bathtub might make for a quirky story, but it certainly doesn’t make for good politics.

In the end, this isn’t just bad for Kamala—it’s bad for the public. When politicians focus more on optics than substance, everyone loses. Instead of addressing real issues, we’re left with photo ops and publicity stunts that do nothing but insult our intelligence. If Kamala Harris wants to be taken seriously, she needs to stop trying to be everything to everyone and start being herself. Or at the very least, stay out of the kitchen—or the bathroom.